Local energy production
Local energy production allows generating heat and electricity on the spot. By producing electricity on your own, you will be able to save on network fees and you will no longer be dependent on the exchange price.
In terms of the currently used technologies, solar power plants are the easiest and most convenient way to produce electricity for the building on your own. The panels can be installed on the roof, the exterior walls, or on the ground next to the building. The production graph of solar panels is well suited with the electricity consumption of commercial buildings. In addition to the increased revenue from the electricity produced with solar panels, it is also possible to receive support for renewable energy for 12 years.
Cogeneration plants also produce electricity in addition to heat energy. It is wise to install this plant if there is a need for heat energy even in the summer in addition to constant electricity consumption. This is intended to cover the consumption and it produces the heat energy necessary in midsummer with an existing or an additionally installed heat source. Fuel for cogeneration can be natural gas or, if it is logistically possible, woodchips.

To select the suitable local energy production option:
1) Collect the consumption data of heat and electricity from the last two years
2) Analyse the consumption data to find the technology suitable for the building
3) If solar panels are suitable, determine whether there is enough space on the roof and whether the roof structures can carry the additional weight of the panels
4) If there is not enough space on the roof or the exterior walls of the building for the solar panels, consider the possibility of installing the panels on the ground near the building. Is there a suitable area which is not shadowed by the building or other objects?
5) To determine the suitability of a cogeneration plant, assess the heat energy consumption needs in the summer. If heat energy is minimally consumed during several summer months, the plant is not the most optimal option.
6) Consider the benefits of production – the saved network fees, the opportunity for support, and the expediency of establishing a direct line.