Energy management system (EMS)

Establishing an EMS allows you to automatically gather the readings of metres and indoor climate sensors, conveniently later visualise and analyse them, and create reports based on them. The meters can be made into remote reading meters by connecting them to the automation system or the Internet of Things (IoT).


The acceptance inspection and functionality testing are carried out in new buildings to make sure that the systems work as planned and prevent problems during operation and maintenance before the systems are approved for final launch. The functionality of the automation system is thoroughly tested, its physical installation is examined, and the execution documents are compared with reality.


By creating monitoring systems, a sufficient number of meters will be installed for monitoring and analysing the building’s energy consumption. The meter readings are connected to a single monitoring platform which allows all the necessary company employees to monitor the consumption data in real time. Limits to alarms will be set, which ensures the operational response of the maintenance crew in the case of equipment faults.


Benefits of EMS to the owner/administrator of the building:

1. There will be a conscious monitoring of costs, which creates prerequisites for reducing costs
2. The costs can be compared to the base year, and the actual energy consumption of the indoor temperature can be compared to that of the outdoor temperature
3. You can be sure that the utility systems operate optimally (be detecting abnormalities in energy consumption)
4. Data about energy consumption and indoor climate is available 24/7, which means that you do not have to take monthly readings
5. Cost comparison charts are created per buildings/consumers, etc.
6. The life-span of equipment is enhanced if they are set to the optimal mode
7. Automatic alarm settings, which ensures the immediate response of the maintenance team 8. Data from the indoor climate sensors can help to optimise the operation of the equipment
9. You can be aware of the indoor climate readings of the building and, if necessary, make sure that the required indoor climate is ensured

What our customers said


Tenants expectations rise by every year. On one side good indoor climate is needed, but on the other side reasonable costs are also desired. In cooperation with Estonian Energy Service Company we have managed to achieve good results with both subjects.

Hindrek Leppsalu, real estate entrepreneur, member of management board of Sikupilli Keskus


Hindrek Leppsalu, real estate entrepreneur, member of management board of Sikupilli Keskus



20. märtsist saavad kohalikud omavalitsused taotleda toetust hoonete energiatõhusamaks muutmiseks

Riigi Tugiteenuste Keskuse poolt läbiviidav taotlusvoor kestab 20. märtsist kuni 17. juunini. Taotlusvooru kogueelarve on 10 miljonit eurot. Taotluse kohustuslikuks osaks on kvaliteetne energiatõhususaudit. Selle olulise lähtematerjali koostamises saame teid aidata - meil on pikaajaliste kogemustega audiitorid ning kõrgeima kvalifikatsiooniga (tase 7/8) energiatõhususe projektijuhid. Vajadusel oleme teiega kaasas taotlusvooru algusest lõpuni ehk siis kuni hoone üleandmise ja RTK-le aruande koostamiseni.

Mida saavad kinnisvaraomanikud just nüüd oma hoonete jaoks ära teha?

Eelmisel nädalal jagasime teiega kaht praktilist soovitust hoonete sisekliima osas seoses koroonaviirusega. Nüüd jätkame sama teemaga, kuid vaatleme pisut laiemalt, mida see unikaalne hetk ajas võimaldab kinnisvarahalduse võtmes ära teha. Ülevaatlikkuse eesmärgil toome mõtted välja punktidena ja oleme tänulikud, kui leiad võimaluse neid mõtteid oma kanalites jagada.

Kaks praktilist soovitust ärikinnisvara sisekliima osas seoses koroonaviiruse levikuga

Seoses äsja väljakuulutatud eriolukorraga on meil kaks lihtsat soovitust nii oma klientidele kui ka kõikidele ärikinnisvara haldamisega tegelevatele spetsialistidele. Esiteks, kindlustage ventilatsioonisüsteemi kaudu värske õhu pealevool ja minimeerige siseõhu retsirkulatsioon. Teiseks, kui teie hoonetest on siirdutud kodukontoritesse, vaadake üle temperatuuri- ja ventilatsiooniparameetrid ehk teisisõnu, viige miinimumini asjatu ülekulu.
BREEAMi rohemärgis