

Jaak Urm to transform Energiateenus into a renewable energy producer

Let me introduce you to Jaak Urm, the new head of renewable energy at Energiateenus. During his six years as a member of Alexela's management team Jaak Urm made a strong contribution to the creation of modern electricity sales company, AS Alexela. Under his leadership Energiateenus will become a producer of renewable energy in addition to building solar power plants. The electricity contracts from three years ago are about to expire and consumers will be hit by a price increase shock. The average consumer will get a double price increase, which is a signal for any producer to take quick action. "Today is the best time to become a renewable energy producer yourself," says Jaak Urm.

Modern smart metering justifies itself fully and makes life easier

Sikupilli Shopping Center benefits in a number of ways from a remote energy monitoring system installed at last autumn, which allows for automatic data transfer and analysis of consumption data.

Moonika Kukke-Tiiman becomes the new CEO of AU Energiateenus

After eight years in the role, current Chief Executive Officer Aivar Uutar will become the Head of Energiateenus Group on 1 March. The aim of this change is to build systematic cooperation between three businesses who are members of the group – AU Energiateenus, ET5 and Vamos Automaatika.

Look how Energiateenus decreased energy costs fourfold in nightly Tallinn

We have finished lighting solution renovation works of Vesse Bauhof and Maksimarket parking ground. During the work: we installed 52 new LED luminaires parking ground lighting […]

Energiateenus held a seminar on monitoring energy costs

On 18 April, we held a seminar in Mektory Innovation Centre on the topic of monitoring energy costs via the Internet of Things (IoT). At this […]

The Internet of Things helps keep track of energy costs

An article was published about us in the April edition of the magazine Ehitaja – ‘AU Energiateenus OÜ provides first clients with the energy management system […]

We gave an overview of our latest solar power plant project at the conference Säästlik hoone 2017 (sustainable building)

On 14 March, Criss Uudam, development manager of the company, attended the conference Säästlik hoone 2017 where he shared our experiences in installing solar panels to […]

Energiateenus began providing the energy management system via the Internet of Things

Energiateenus alustas IoT ehk asjade interneti võrgu kaudu energiakulude monitoorimisteenuse pakkumist.

Energiateenus built a solar power plant for the new extension of Lõunakeskus

Lõuna-Eesti suurima kaubanduskeskuse, Tartu Lõunakeskuse, laiendamise käigus avanes Energiateenuse meeskonnal võimalus paigaldada hoonele arhitektuurselt sobivad, tumeda tooniga päikesepaneelid.

Henrik Österlund, an expert from Finland, talks about the resource efficiency of industrial undertakings in our video blog

Soome ekspert Henrik Österlund räägib meie videoblogis tööstusettevõtete ressursitõhususest

We organised a seminar in Tartu for timber industry companies on the topic of resource efficiency

AU Energiateenus korraldas 19. jaanuaril Tartus V konverentsikeskuses lühiseminari puidutööstuse ettevõtetele. Seminarist võtsid osa puidu- ja mööblitööstuses tegutsevad ettevõtted sealhulgas ka puitmajade valmistajaid. Kõigil neil oli ühine soov - saada rohkem teada ressursitõhususe projektide läbiviimisest ja võimalustest sellisele projektile riigipoolset toetust saada.

A seminar on energy efficiency took place in Tartu, which focused on water centres and spas

Korraldasime 2. novembril Tartu Dorpati konverentsikeskuses seminari, kus võtsime fookusesse energiatõhususe parendamise võimalused SPA-des ja veekeskustes.
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